Download the ASLM2021 Abstract Book!

The ASLM2021 Abstract Book is full of research based on the ASLM2021 Scientific Program themes: The Outbreak Effect, Laboratory Response and Lessons Learnt, and Ownership, Partnership and Innovation. Learn about all the latest findings on outbreaks, emerging pathogens and disease burden; the role of laboratories in outbreak preparedness and response; the threat of antimicrobial resistance; policy and regulation for resilient laboratory systems and networks; strengthening laboratory systems and networks for routine and emergency; workforce development and laboratory profession; science and technology to support cost-effective and integrated laboratory networks; pathogen genomics to control diseases; research for better laboratory systems and networks; partnership, policy and regulation to improve access and equity of diagnostic tools; harnessing the power of community; the One Health approach to shape the new laboratory systems, and more. Download the ASLM2021 Abstract Book here.

Abstract Submissions for ASLM2021 Have Closed

The ASLM2021 abstract submissions period has ended. If you submitted an abstract, a confirmation email with your submitted abstract number was sent to the primary contact once the abstract was submitted. Authors should also print and keep a copy of the receipt screen on the website as verification of receipt. Abstract acceptance/rejection will be e-mailed to the primary contact listed on the abstract by the end of September 2021. It is the responsibility of the primary contact to inform co-authors about an abstract’s acceptance/rejection. Abstract submissions are peer-reviewed for scientific content and current relevance to the clinical, public health, scientific, and laboratory medicine community. More information about the abstract process is below for reference.

Abstract Format

Abstracts may be submitted in English or French. All abstracts must be submitted through the ASLM2021 online submission platform. Abstracts emailed to ASLM staff or conference committee members will not be considered.

The abstract body is limited to 300 words and should follow the format outlined below, using the required headings. Titles are limited to 50 words. No more than 10 authors may be listed. Figures and tables may not be included as part of the abstract.

Required Metadata

  • Abstract Information: Title highlighting the primary content of the abstract (maximum length: 50 words). Three keywords or phrases relevant to the abstract for indexing purposes
  • Authors: Authors’ names should be listed using both first (given) name and family (last) surname. Presenting author’s name should be underlined. Include email address, current affiliation, country, and declare any conflicts of interest. (Maximum number of authors: 10)


  • Background: Briefly describe the issue and questions that address a particular knowledge and/or experiential gap, by the work presented.
  • Methods: Describe the experimental method/s used (e.g. descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional, etc.).
  • Results: Summarise the most important results, illustrated by numbers, percentages and p-values if applicable.
  • Conclusions: Summarise the implications and significance of the results for patient care, public health, and/or laboratory medicine.

Choose a “Scientific Track” and “Category” during the submission process. The Track Category is the general heading under which the abstract will be reviewed and later published. The Track Category which best describes the subject of the abstract should be selected. The meeting organisers reserve the right to determine the final Track Category that best suits the abstract content.  Abstracts that do not fall within any of the tracks related to the conference will be rejected.

Abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed by the ASLM2021 Scientific Programme Committee and a panel of ad hoc reviewers; acceptance is based upon the quality of the abstract and significance of the findings. Poorly written abstracts that lack required information may be rejected. It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. All errors will be reproduced as typed by the author.

Posters And Oral Abstracts

All abstracts will be reviewed for oral presentation using a standardised scoring methodologies. All abstracts not accepted for oral presentation will thereafter be considered for poster presentations.

Notification and Correspondence

A confirmation email with your submitted abstract number will be sent to the primary contact once an abstract has been submitted. Authors should also print and keep a copy of the receipt screen on the website as verification of receipt. Abstract acceptance/rejection will be e-mailed to the primary contact listed on the abstract by the end of September 2021. It is the responsibility of the primary contact to inform co-authors about an abstract’s acceptance/rejection.

Polices For Abstract Submission

Publication of Abstracts

Accepted abstracts will be released publicly on the conference and ASLM web portals in the original language of submission.

Copyright and Webcast Policy

By submitting an abstract, authors and co-authors transfer any copyrights and grant permission to ASLM to audio/video record oral presentations for conference webcasts.

Resubmission Policy

An abstract which has been previously published in journals or presented at a national, regional, or international meeting can only be submitted provided that there are new methods, new findings, substantially updated information or other valid reasons for submitting that can be provided by the author.


All abstracts are screened for plagiarism and when identified, the abstract and any other abstracts submitted by the same author will be rejected.


ASLM2021 may negotiate co-submission of abstracts to certain affiliated independent events.

Ethical Research Declaration

The conference supports only research that has been conducted according to the protocol approved by the institutional or local committee on ethics in human investigation.

Conference Embargo Policy

All conference abstracts are released to delegates under a strict embargo policy. A detailed breakdown of the embargo variations for different types of abstracts is available below.

  1. Oral Abstracts: Information about accepted oral abstracts may not be published or presented before the start of the session at ASLM2021 in which the abstract is being presented.
  2. Poster Abstracts: Information about accepted poster abstracts may not be published or presented before 10:30 (GMT) on 16 November 2021.

Breaking of the embargo policy by a reporter leads to:

  • Immediate suspension of the reporter’s media conference credentials
  • Immediate barring of the reporter from the meeting premises
  • Removal of the reporter’s name from the ASLM Media Distribution List
  • No access to subsequent ASLM conferences



To Retrieve you ASLM Membership ID Number

  • After you register for ASLM Membership registration here… 
  • Login to your ASLM member profile. 
  • After the new page loads, click your name in the top right corner (see sample below).

  • After the new page loads you will see your Membership ID number near the top left of the screen (see sample below).
  • Your Membership ID number helps ASLM identify your unique membership information and qualifies you to receive benefits like discounted conference registration fees.