ASLM2018 Scientific Programme

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The ASLM2018 scientific programme aims to serve as a platform for the international laboratory medicine community to share best practices, acquire knowledge, and debate innovative approaches for combatting global health threats together. Links open in a new tab.

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Time Session Type Room Location
08:00-17:00 The SLIPTA and SLMTA Symposium Congress Hall
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Sponsors – African Society for Laboratory Medicine and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Establishing and Optimizing NPHIs in Africa
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Sponsor – Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

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Time Session Type Room Location
08:00-12:00 Manuscript Writing Workshop  Benue/Plateau
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Sponsors – African Society for Laboratory Medicine, Public Health England, and the BMJ Group
08:00-17:00 The SLIPTA and SLMTA Symposium Congress Hall
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Sponsors – African Society for Laboratory Medicine and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The ASLM Laboratory Community of Practice (LabCoP) Symposium Niger/Enugu
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Sponsors – African Society for Laboratory Medicine and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
17:30-19:00 Laboratory Network Approach Benue/Plateau
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Sponsor – The USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management

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Time Session Type Room Location
08:00-12:00 Role of laboratory systems: lessons learnt and perspectives   Niger/Enugu
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Sponsor – Fondation Mérieux
Development of Sustainable Laboratory Equipment Management Programs, a Multi-Country Experience Benue/Plateau
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Sponsors – American International Health Alliance and the Association of Public Health Laboratories
9:00-10:30 Improving the Clinic-Laboratory Interface – A symposium looking at how to improve the Clinic-Lab-Interface (CLI) in both stable epidemics and explosive outbreaks Osun
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Sponsor – SEAD Consulting
9:00-12:00 WHO workshop on Prequalification of In Vitro Diagnostics (IVDs) for national regulatory authorities (NRAs): assessment of stability studies for IVDs Kano
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Sponsor – Fondation Mérieux
14:00–16:00 Opening Ceremony Congress Hall

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Time Session Type Room Location
7:00-8:30 Waste Management Strategies for HIV Viral Load and Early Infant Diagnosis  Niger/Enugu
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Sponsor – US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
7: 30 – 9:00 Introduction to WHO’s essential list of in vitro diagnostics (EDL) Benue/Plateau
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Sponsor – WHO
12:30 – 13:30 Oral Poster 1 TBD
Sponsor –
13:30 – 15:00 Special Session 1 Congress Hall
UHC and Health Systems Strengthening
14:30-16:00 Implementing multi-disease testing at the near point of care Kano
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Sponsors – African Society for Laboratory Medicine, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, UNICEF & Unitaid
Symposium 1 Niger/Enugu
Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance in Africa
Symposium 2 Benue/Plateau
Outbreaks in Africa and Response
12:30-14:00 Strengthening Cross-Border Diseases Surveillance through Cross-Border Zoning Benue/Plateau
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Sponsors – East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community
 Multiplex Molecular Syndromic testing:  Transforming early detection of outbreaks in Africa Kogi
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Sponsor – bioMérieux
 Redefine the reach of reliable testing…with cobas® Plasma Separation Card Kano
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Sponsor – Roche
Abbott (AMD) Niger/Enugu
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Sponsor – Abbott
The role of the laboratory in preventing and controlling viral epidemics and viral pandemics FCT
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Sponsor – Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics and Unitaid
17:00 – 18:30 Round Table 1 Congress Hall
Leveraging and Sustaining Networks for Disease Response in Africa
Round Table 2 Benue/Plateau
Disease Intelligence: Informing the Response
Round Table 3 Kano
Invisible Threat: NCD Perspective
17:00-20:00 Geospatial Digital Tools: Best Practices and Opportunities to Improve Quality and Coverage of Key Laboratory Services FCT
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Sponsors – African Society for Laboratory Medicine and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
19:30-21:00 New Decentralized Molecular Hep C Molecular Diagnosis  & The Role of CD4 In The Management of HIV/AIDS Patients In The Current Dispensation Kogi
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Sponsor – Sysmex
WHO’s Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (EDL) Niger/Enugu
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Sponsor – World Health Organization
 Assuring the quality of in vitro diagnostics (IVDs): WHO Prequalification of IVDs (PQDx) and the collaborative procedure for IVDs Benue/Plateau
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 Sponsor – World Health Organization

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Time Session Type Room Location
7:00-8:30 Biosafety in Africa: What is the International Laboratory Branch (ILB) Working On? Niger/Enugu
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Sponsor – US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
9:00 – 10:30 Plenary 2 Congress Hall
Laboratory Response
11:00 – 12:30 Oral Session 2 TBD
12:30 – 13:30 Oral Poster 2 TBD
Poster 2 TBD
12:30-14:00 Strengthening Sustainable Biorisk Management in Africa FCT
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Sponsors – International Federation of Biosafety Associations and Global Affairs Canada
 Multiplex Molecular Syndromic testing:  Transforming early detection of outbreaks in Africa Kogi
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Sponsor – bioMérieux
Innovative Models of HealthCare Delivery Panel discussion Kano
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MOLECULAR FOR EVERYONE – Increasing access to actionable EID and viral load results while the patient is still there Niger/Enugu
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Sponsor – Abbott
THE PANTHER SYSTEM: Real Solutions for the Scale Up of HIV Viral Load Monitoring in Resource-Limited Settings Benue/Plateau
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Sponsor – HOLOGIC
13:30 – 15:00 Special Session 2 Congress Hall
Innovations: -iLEADs, -Find
14:30 – 16:00 Symposium 3 Niger/Enugu
Quality Management System: Owning the Response
Symposium 4 Benue/Plateau
  Bio-safety/Bio-security: Reducing the threats
17:00 – 18:30 Roundtable 4 Congress Hall
Biological Specimen Repository for Outbreak Response: Biobanking Networks
Round Table 5 Benue/Plateau
Role of National Public Health Institutes in Pandemic Response
Round Table 6 Kano
Africa Regional Laboratory Networks: Perspective on Emerging Disease Threats
19:30-21:00 Laboratory Network Approach FCT
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 Sponsor – The USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management
Beckman Coulter (ADC) Niger/Enugu
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Sponsor – Beckman Coulter

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Time Session Type Room Location
9:00 – 10:30 Plenary 3 Congress Hall
Synergizing Partnerships
11:00 – 12:30 Oral Session 3 TBD
12:30 – 13:30 Oral Poster 3 TBD
Poster 3 TBD
13:30 – 15:00 Symposium 5 Niger/Enugu
Laboratory Systems and Networks for One Health
Symposium 6 Benue/Plateau
International Partnerships for UHC and Preparedness
Symposium 7 Kogi
Partnering with the Private Sector: New Frontiers
15:30 -18:30 Closing Session Congress Hall



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