Disease Intelligence: Informing the Response

Date: Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Time: 17:00 – 18:30
Location: Benue/Plateau

Session Overview:
Disease intelligence refers to the analysis and interpretation of data that is relevant to infectious diseases and derived from formal and informal systems for the purpose of assessing risk and mitigating threats. Disease intelligence has taken on increasing importance as the volume and velocity of disease-related information has increased and as outbreaks have demonstrated their ability to rapidly destabilize societies and economies. Reports from traditional data systems, such as Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response or an astute district public health officer, can now be complemented with data from connected diagnostic systems, social media, internet search analysis, and event-based surveillance.

For the disease control specialist, these are both exciting and challenging times. What sources of data are now available? What sources of data will soon become available? How do I interpret this data? What are the factors that determine when I should notify the public and active emergency response team? This session will be free from PowerPoint and full of lively, provocative discussion about new advances in disease intelligence and how you can make sense of these advances to improve the health of your communities.

  • Co-Conveners:
    • Jay Varma
      • African Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Ethiopia
    • Remi Adeseun
      • IQVIA, Nigeria
  • Speakers
    • Womi-Eteng Oboma Eteng
      • Incident Coordination Centre Nigeria CDC, Nigeria
    • Elaine Nsoesie
      • Boston University, United States
    • Yannick Kamga
      • Cameroon Ministry of Health, Cameroon

Bio  & Photo –


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